Comments about Dave Aubin's Trimmer Hanger:

Dear Mr. Aubin,
I think the trimmer hanger is a great idea. I have been tripping over my husband's weed eater for years. Now he will finally have somewhere to put it. Could you tell me where I can get one for him?

-- Ryann Andrews


"I think your hanger is a great idea. I would certainly buy one when they become available. My trimmer is in my lawn mower shack, laying on it's side and has to be moved every time I need something. With your hanger I could keep it in a vertical position and out of my way. Please keep me informed. Thanks."
-- Larry Blevins


"I like it. My trimmer is leaning against some boxes in my shed as probably are millions of others. This should fill the bill. I'll look forward to seeing it in the stores.
-- Bill Hopper


Dear Mr. Aubin,
What a wonderful idea! I would love to have two of them. One for my trimmer and hedger, the other for mop's and brooms. Please keep me updated on the status and best of luck to you.

-- Terri Rogers


If it were me, I think the safety issue of no gas spillage, would sell your product. When you store these trimmers, they tend to roll over and gas could leak out. Your hanger eliminates this problem . 
-- Larry Blevins


I am inquiring about your new product, the "Trimmer Hanger". I have never seen anything like this available in the stores or on television and would like to know where to acquire one for my storage area, which is a real mess. My goal is to get my garage cleaned up and optimize the limited space I have there. How can I get one for this project? 
-- Duane Molson


Wow what a great idea! That's exactly what I need! I stand mine up and it always falls over. Can you please tell me where and when I can purchase one. Thanks. 
-- Leonora Isbell


I think your TRIMMER HANGER is a good idea...great for people with kids, (gets it up & out of their reach!) Believe it or not, I actually have friends without internet access, who I know would be interested in this product. When will it be advertised on T.V. or be available in stores?
-- Tina Romeo


It is about time somebody thought of this. The place for our trimmer is in the corner with all the shovels, rakes, etc. Now we finally have a better place for it so the garage is not so cluttered. 
-- Misty Tuttle


Dear Tool Accessory Man, your TRIMMER HANGER is the SOLUTION to many of my problems. My husband will now be able to use his table saw, lawn mower, wheel barrow and work bench, since he has been laying our weed eater on top of these things, rendering them useless. He has used many a 10 penny nail to try and get that darn thing hung up, but nothing has worked. Thank you for making our garage a better place to work (and live). 
-- Sally & Barron Kunkle


I thought that this is a great idea. We have always had a big problem with keeping things organized in our garage. My husband always throws our trimmer in a corner and I am afraid that he might break it one of these times. We have small children running around, and I am afraid that they might trip on it and hurt themselves. Now he can just hang it up with the new trimmer hanger, without having to worry.
-- Christina Savedra


My wife always complains how I lay the grass trimmer all over the house. Now that this idea has come up i wont have to constantly worry where to place my lawn equipment, and my wife will have to find another thing to yell at me for. 
-- Nicholas Decker,

Dear Mr. Aubin,
I have received your brochure about your new product. I must say I was a bit surprised that no one had thought of this before. I know that my husband leaves our trimmer on the floor in the garage. I constantly have to remind him to find a place for it. With your product I will not have keep tripping over it. I give it two thumbs up and we will buy one as soon as they are in stores. Good Luck!

-- Lacie Bottorff


I think the trimmer hanger is a great idea ... after my trimmer fell off my garden tool rack and dented my classic Chevrolet ... I really needed this product a year ago ... when will it be in the store ... soon I hope.
Mike Alder


Dear Mr. Aubin,
This looks like a viable product to improve organization of the garage or storage shed. I am looking forward to purchasing it in one of our local stores.

J. J. Lennartz

Mr. Aubin:
After searching the web and finding your product its a great idea. Living in the north there are not many months that I get to use my trimmer and to find a place for the winter months has been hard. Getting it up out of the way and not falling down will be a big plus for me. Great idea.

Bill Farone -- Lockport New York


Your invention sounds great, We would buy one in an instance, as ours are hanging from rafters. I sent your letter to some friends & family.
The Gennai's


Mr. Dave Aubin:
I just visited your site regarding your trimmer hanger invention. What a fabulous and practical idea! If possible, at this point, I would like to order two, one for my weed eater and one for my hedge trimmer at home. We have a property management company in Brookings, OR, and an Engineering Geological Consultant firm in Arcata, CA and Brookings, Or. I would anticipate the need to use them at our business locations in the future, to organize our equipment there, too. Please advise how to initiate this order or when the product will become available. And good luck! I'm sure this venture will be a tremendous success for you!

Sincerely, Marilyn and Bob Busch
Busch Geotecnical Consultants, Arcata, CA, and Brookings, OR 
Marilyn Busch Realty and Property Management, Brookings, OR


I live in the country so everything I don't want in the house goes in the storage shed. I can't find my edger half the time. If it were hanging on the wall that would solve my problem. But I need more hangers. Hope they become available in time. 
Pam Robertson


I think you have a wonderful idea! One whole side of our garage is a garden tool disaster. We have places to hang our rakes and shovels, but the big items lay on the floor. It would be great to get them up and out of the way. Please let us know when we can find them in stores.
Tracy Looney


I think the trimmer hanger is a great idea. Our trimmer is out on the shed floor so it would be great to have somewhere to hang it out of the way. Great idea!!
Megan Oliver

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