FOR INVENTORS: Market Launchers ™ FOR COMPANIES SEARCHING FOR NEW PRODUCTS: Market Launchers' invention database has hundreds of patented new inventions for sale or license for you |
Order Form for your $99 invention web page:
To purchase your own invention web page, which we'll build for you, please fill out this online form (the top half of this page), or print out the snail mail form (the bottom half of this page). To include pictures of your product, you can either send them by e-mail or snail mail them to us. There's no extra charge for pictures.
There are no additional fees if and when your invention sells. We'll have your web page finished within 3 days of receiving your order. Feel free to call us at (800) 337-5758 or visit our FAQ's page if you have any questions.
You're almost finished ... the next step is to pay either with a credit card through our authorized online retailer, or with a check. If you pay with a credit card, then you'll be finished and we can get started working on your web page later today.
All credit card orders are processed through CCNow, our authorized online retailer, and they accept all major credit cards. Our e-mail address is: [email protected]
Or, if you prefer to mail by check, please send it to:
Market Launchers, Inc.
2614 South 24th Street
Quincy, IL 62305
Personal checks are accepted. Since this is a service instead of a tangible product, there is no sales tax.
Snail mail form:
1. How did you learn about us? ______________________________
2. Title of your invention: ________________________________
3. Please describe your product. (You'll want to list the key features and benefits of your product, who your product is intended for, production costs, expected retail price and any test results or market research data that you've received, if any). Attach an additional sheet if necessary.
4. What is the status of your invention? Please check one:
____ Patent-pending____ Patented (Patent Number = __________ )
5. Name ____________________
Address ____________________
City, State, Zip ____________________
Telephone ____________________
E-mail (optional) ____________________
6. Please select one of the 3 options below. Each option
includes the cost of designing your web page AND hosting it on the Market
Launchers web site:
A. 1 year -- $295.00 (average of $24.58 per month x 12 months) -- The BRONZE Package.
B. 2 years -- $395.00 (average of $16.46 per month x 24 months) -- The SILVER Package -- A Better Value. Also includes 1 week of having your product listed as a Featured Product of the Week on the home page.
C. The GOLD Package -- $495.00 -- includes:
Priced separately, the items in the GOLD Package would add up to $748.00, but the actual cost is only $495.00. We will begin creating your web page on the same day we receive your order.
7. If you selected either the Bronze Package or the Silver Package, then you may want to add some of the following features:
8. Would you like to have your name, address and phone number included with your listing? (Some of our customers prefer not to have their personal information listed on the Internet. If you choose No, we will give your name and phone number only to those companies who call and request it.) Please check one:
____ Yes____ No
9. Signature _________________________________ Date ________________
Please send this form, along with your check or money order, to:
Market Launchers, Inc.
2614 South 24th Street
Quincy, IL 62305
[email protected]
(Personal checks are accepted.)
If you prefer the 1-year or 2-year option, then please click here ...