The Siamese Suit:

"Doubles Your Fun As You Communicate As One!"  This comfortable outfit yokes two or more people together as if they are Siamese twins and forces them to cooperate as Siamese twins must.  If one person sits, the other must sit.  If one person runs, jumps or crawls, the other must do so as well.  This invention draws people together in a challenging, fun-filled and cooperative environment.  The Siamese suit is used by people of diverse ages for diverse interests.  Couples improve their relationship with communication and romance, elementary students learn to be team players; party hosts and hostesses use it in obstacle course games and as an icebreaker.  This is a positive experience for everyone.

Interested parties including potential buyers, licensees, teachers, therapists, work shop leaders or anyone seeking to make their event more fun and educational may contact us at: 

E-mail: [email protected]